Friday, June 20, we celebrate Midsummer here in Sweden. I know it's the wrong night (the Summer Solstice is June 21 this year) but the authorities have decided that the official celebrations of Midsummer in Sweden is a Friday, so.... Happy Midsummer!
As usual we celebrate with lots of food, singing and dancing. Old and young, men and women - everyone sport a flower garland as they dance 'round the decorated Maypole. Want to get in the spirit? Check out this video Swedish Midsummer for Dummies:
As usual we celebrate with lots of food, singing and dancing. Old and young, men and women - everyone sport a flower garland as they dance 'round the decorated Maypole. Want to get in the spirit? Check out this video Swedish Midsummer for Dummies:
Our Midsummer is all about flowers.
Wild flowers in the Maypole and the wreaths.
Garden beauties decorate the dinner tables.
Hope you'll have a great weekend too!
Below is a description (in Swedish - hope Google can help out) on how to make your own Midsummer Wreath. (It's a repost from last year, but well worth repeating.)
1. Mät huvudets omkrets
2. Gör en stomme av hyfsat tjock ståltråd med samma omkrets som huvudet
3. Vira grön floratejp eller ett grönt band runt tråden
4. Plocka rikligt med blommor, vackra gräs & ax och gröna blad, som ger stadga åt kransen. (Undvik maskrosor som ger fläckar och kan klia.)
5. Klipp blomstjälkarna ganska korta
6. Bestäm hur "spretig" kransen skall vara och fäst blommor, blad med mera runt stommen med en tunn myrtentråd (finns i blomsteraffären. Bättre än garn som ofta går av. Bättre än ståltråd, som kan vara svår att hantera).
7. Håll kransen fräsch länge genom att duscha den med blomsprutan och lägg i en plastpåse i kylskåpet över natten.
Glad Midsommar!