Relaxed styling by talented Lisa Holmnäs

I rarely have time to take pictures of my student's work. But today Stadshem published a new home for sale on their website. The apartment is decorated by one of my students - the very young and talented Lisa Holmnäs. Lisa made this as part of the interior design course I teach twice a year. During the course the students make a professional homestaging job in co-operation with a local estate agent, in this case Stadshem in Göteborg. This is the result Lisa presented at the course. The small images = before pictures, snapped with a phone, hence the quality. The large photos are from Stadshem/Janne Olander. 

The apartment had been rented out and was lacking many of the big and little things that makes an apartment an attractive contemporary home.

Lisa looked around in her own house, borrowed from family and friends, and this is how she choose to decorate this one room apartment, in order to make the spacial qualities obvious for the potential buyer online. (No walls, floors or other parts were painted before the sale.)

Lisa didn't want to use the same prints and photos you'll find in most "trendy" Scandinavian homes right now. Instead she framed images she found in magazines and online, to give the apartment a personal touch. Good work, Lisa Holmnäs, and good luck with your future career as an interior designer! 

WABI SABI interior design art photography
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