DIY Decorating on a budget - Panelvägg av pallvirke

Meet Katy. A "mechanical engineer by day and a home wrecker by night", who says she in love with her nail gun. I believe her.

Katy is a single mom who is renovating her home on a budget. This is one of her latest projects: wall panelling made of trash/scrap pallets. Very clever. She is thinking of painting the panel white. Think again, Katy ;-)

Skral ekonomi är inget hinder, när denna frånskilda småbarnsmamma greppar spikpistolen. Senaste projektet: en heltäckande väggpanel av kasserade lastpallar, som hon fått från en fabrik i grannskapet. Så helt rätt 2011.

Top, right pic is her living room wall before she started drilling... Get more inspiration from her blog Mom and her Drill.

Check out my other blog Creative Living here.